Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Debt to the Future

John Quincy Adams in a speech said: "Think of your forefather! Think of your posterity!"

By thinking of our forefathers, we appreciate what they have bequeathed to us and the valuable principles of living which they cherished and enacted in their daily lives. 

Thinking of posterity is an incentive to do those things that will create a better society for our children and their children.

After all, we do owe a debt to the future since we can't pay it to those who have gone before us.

Today, we are running short of heroes. Naturally, there are some outstanding leaders but they are few and far between. That's why it is necessary to reach back and concentrate on those who laid the foundations for all the good things we enjoy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Be Not Envious

People who worship status constantly worry about it while those who are satisfied to be themselves are much happier since they have noting to prove and nobody to impress.

Ambition is laudable except when it becomes a fetish. When it grows into an obsession it becomes paralyzing. It seems that nobody ever has enough wealth, power or fame.

What difference does it really make how the Joneses live or what they do ? That's their own affair. Let them live their own lives in their own way... we shall live ours our way and be ourselves.

The more important we think we are the easier we are insulted since we come to believe the world owes us a living.

Humility is good medicine.

One if the dangers of "success" is the temptation to become arrogant and eschew humility and especially gratitude toward those who contribute to our estate.

It is difficult for some to keep their heads. It is easy for every president to develop an imperial complex. The importance and mystique attached to the office encourages this.

Emerson wrote: "Hitch your wagon to a star." He didn't say "to a bank account."

There is an old proverb that reads: "Every eel hopes to become a whale."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The story

The story of life is faster then the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye until we meet again.

Friday, May 22, 2009


It is sitting there whispering to you take me, feel me, smell me, taste me.

You sit and look at its curves and the smoothness of the skin. You know you want to grab it in your hands, the wonderful sensations it will bring you, once you have it.

As you seem to draw yourself near and near you clasp it in your hands and move it slowly to your mouth.

Your lips imbed it as you take a bite. The succulent juice in your mouth is pouring down your chin. The taste is so sweet, the feeling is so smooth and good, the smell is from heaven.

The you take another bite.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lover Never Dies

You see her in your dreams,
You see her when you wake up,
You see her in the morning as you get dressed,
You see her on the way to work,
Because, to you, love never dies.

She broke your heart, but you still think of her,
He soft, silky hair playing in the wind,
Her smile that shone on your world,
Her lips soft as silk,
Her skin white as snow,
Because, to you, love never dies.

You sit and reminisce back to the days
When the both of you spent hours together,
The joy, the smiles, the laughter, the jokes, the kisses and hugs,
And you ask yourself what happened,
Because, to you, love never dies.

You wonder how it could have been,
How it should have been or how it would have been,
If you were together,
She was your love, your life, and now she's gone,
But for you it's not over, because deep in your heart, love never dies.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Gypsy in Us

There's is a bit of the gypsy in each of us. Our ancestors were nomads. They wandered over deserts, plains and mountain tops. There were ever seeking new frontier... new horizons.

Perhaps this explains some of our restlessness. We tire of the status quo no matter how good it is. We get bored with the usual and seek diversions which are sometimes unhealthy and even dangerous.

The spirit of adventure accounts for many discoveries in every field but when it becomes perfected, it gets us into trouble. Some thrills cost a pretty price. Emotionalism and hysteria are for the birds.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Curious Mind

Some minds are like a river that flows constantly and helps to create life. Others are like a stagnant lake in which nothing can live.

Fortunate is the person who is born with curiosity and a sense of adventure: who reads constantly to acquire new facts and thoughts. Such a person is never bored nor does he require temporary thrills that only leave him despondent after they have passed.

The world is a stage and a perpetual drama is going on all the time right under our eyes. The sensitive and intuitive see it, while those who are dull and unimaginative are totally unaware of the action.

There is also a stage set within ourselves. Fantasies are enacted for those who have a touch of poetry and mysticism. There are times when all of us like to dream... to lock the doors and shut out the outside world. We need such moments to regain our sanity in an irrational world.